Need close tolerance with desired chemical and physical property for a rubber part in an intricate design without compromising quality?
KPM can vouch for it because our forte is manufacturing of custom rubber moldings and We are the best at what we do.
KPM considers bespoke rubber molding parts are criticality and application dependent, hence we incorporate our strong knowledge in the chemistry behind rubber formulation and latest techniques to assure you the custom made rubber product.

KPM’s industry-leading technological set up for rubber molding is well equipped to manufacture any types of rubber parts in any complicated form. The molding process in KPM as follows,
» Rubber Injection molding
» Vacuum Compression molding
» Transfer molding
» Compression molding
» Bakelite molding
Being one of the top custom rubber manufacturers in India, KPM also has tailor-made formulations to provide coloured custom parts.
Related products:
NSF-61 approved rubber components
Tooling and design